home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- _OK
- couldn't be loaded
- World-Map
- Country-Selection
- unknown
- Inh. per sqkm
- Infos about
- Name
- sqkm
- Millions
- Thousand
- Information
- Data about towns
- Data about countries
- Geo-World needs the AGA-ChipSet!
- It must be free at least 900 KB ChipRam.
- Project
- Info
- Quit
- sort for ...
- Town-Selection
- Question
- Really close?
- _No|_Yes
- Quantity
- Countries
- Cities
- Languages
- Area
- Inhabitants
- Popul. density
- Capital
- Control-Window
- Car registration
- rise up
- rise down
- Country
- State
- District
- Year of found
- Altitude
- Post code
- Car registration
- m
- Town without district
- Data about the districts
- Data about states
- Show Continent
- Show Country
- I couldn't show the map,|
- because you haven't enough Chip-Mem...
- Data about Continents
- No Data while searching for this term!
- * within the term isn't allowed!
- GeoWorld - Help
- Explanation about:
- isn't implemented yet
- Search term
- Unfortunately there isn't a explanation yet.
- Press (Mouse-)Button.
- General
- Map-Movebuttons
- Preferences
- General
- _Always close windows
- _Immediately show the map
- Choice-Mode
- Continents
- C_ontinents|Countries
- L
- U
- D
- R
- Unfortunately this map isn't available yet.
- Show City
- general
- to
- before Christ
- I couldn't open the font "
- ", so I use "Topaz 8"
- _Screenmode
- _Font
- Minimum size of the screen is 640 x 400 Pixel.
- as _decimal limit
- ,|.
- Canton
- Province
- Federal State
- Region
- Union state
- Position data (World-Map)
- Position data (Continents)
- _Maxi-Search
- Map
- As colour quantity you must use min. 32 colours.
- New Font
- Font height is not allowed over 18 Pixel.
- Religions
- $ per head
- Holidays
- Currency
- Further
- for it
- and
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- Juli
- August
- Septembre
- October
- Novembre
- December
- States
- Districts
- Currencies
- Please feed the search term(s):
- _Start search
- _Erase all
- Country-Selection|Town-Selection
- for
- General|Economy|Infrastructure|Tourism|History|Others
- Unfortunately for this there aren't informations yet.
- Show _large cities immediately
- General
- Economy
- Infrastructure
- Tourism
- History
- Others
- World-Map
- Continent
- Show of the country on
- the worldmap
- the continent
- isn't possible.
- This application is registrated on:
- _More|_Enough
- Error on loading the keyfile!
- Reg-Nr.
- Message
- I couldn't open adjusted screenmode!
- Cancel
- Preferences-File couldn't be loaded,
- Defective Preferences-File,
- I use the standard preferences.
- So the application works only
- with restrictions.
- Information isn't possible -
- Please pay the registration fee.
- Sa_ve
- Error while saving the preferences.
- depend on
- _Use
- Various things
- Dependent areas
- Close
- Info about map
- Quiz
- Do you really want to end the GeoWorld-Quiz?
- Questions
- right of them
- Rate in %
- _start
- _end
- How many questions do you want to reply?
- Confirm _answer
- of
- How many inhabitants has the country
- What is the area of the country
- How many inhabitants has the town
- This answer
- was right!
- was false
- , right is:
- From alltogether
- set questions,
- do you answer
- right.
- This is similar to a quota of
- _New Quiz
- How is called the capital of
- Which of these 3 towns has the most inhabitants
- Which of these 3 towns has the least of all inhabitants
- Which of these 3 countries has the most inhabitants
- Which of these 3 countries has the least of all inhabitants
- In which country lies the town
- Absolutely super.
- Nice.
- Not bad.
- mmh.
- Keep cool.
- There is enough room for improvement.
- Which of these 3 countries has the biggest gross natioanl product (per head)
- To which country belong the car registration
- CycleToMenu - _Mode
- Which of these countries has the biggest area
- Which of these countries has the smallest area
- General|International Organizations|Politics|Nature - Climate|Population|Economy|History|Others
- Politics
- Nature
- Population
- You can't trick me with modified keyfiles!
- International
- Organizations
- Emirat
- Show of this map is only possible in the registrated version
- Preferences can only be saved in the registrated version
- In the Demo-Version are only 10 questions possible.
- This version isn't registrated, so it
- contains some restrictions...
- FREE !!!!!!!!!
- Präfektur
- Republic
- Departamento
- District
- Territory
- This function is only possible in the registrated version.
- Print function
- Actually _Window-Contents
- _All available informations
- The print function is only available once at the same
- time, please close the print function you open't first.
- Destination
- Printer|File
- industry
- Show cover _picture
- Data
- about the country
- about the town
- For the print function is an open
- window
- required
- State form
- Your printer is switched off.
- Your printer is offline
- Please make it ready.
- Print|Cancel
- already exists. Overwrite?
- Data saved.
- Error while saving the file.
- First feed in a file name please.
- in national language
- Switch _off the sound.
- So I can't show the town.
- time
- here
- Flashing pointer at showing from
- _Countries
- _Towns
- Departement
- You can try it at the continent-map.
- save
- _Changing of letters ä,ö,ü,... while printing
- Abbreviation
- international
- in german
- Seat
- Foundation
- Membership
- Members
- County
- Search in _data
- District
- Selection:
- countries
- towns
- Please feed in a search term first.
- _Highscore
- Place
- Date
- , right of it
- Please feed in your name:
- Empty
- Save Map
- Saving of world map and continents
- isn't possible (and useful).
- N_ot
- What is the currency of
- Mio. $,
- Please wait